Monday, July 27, 2009


I begin today by saying two things,Tell me Mr Obama how this cashh for clunkers stimulates the economy and who deciedes what crushers get the contract and who gets the scrap money?
I don't know about you but it seems to me if Mr Obama wanted to stimulate the automotive industry, he could have made it an incentive for domestic automakers only. It seems a shame that good used car that was 3500. that you might buy for a second car or a first car for your child just getting his/her license has to be crushed for the sake of a floundering industry. Who says this is going to work anyway? What about buying a good USED car? No incentives there!!! How about if you were to buy a 1 year old gas saving auto instead of a new car and wanted to trade in the "clunker" ? I'M SORRY, it doesn't stimulate new car sales. Oh, wait a minute, wasn't this about getting gas guzzlers off the road? my mistake.
So, why couldn't we sell the scrap from the clunkers to China and get a credit off of our debt to them since they are the biggest buyers of our scrap metal anyway. I think it could go like this: take the scrap, sell it to china, get a credit and at least some of the burden of funding this fiasco could be less. Instead it will probably go like this: take the car to an approved scrap yard,can you spell cronyism?,get your government credit(we pay for it) and the scrap yard sells it to China. What's wrong with this picture?????
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